Welcome to Wilmington Island
Methodist Church
About Our Staff

Caitlin Long Borges
Director of Music Ministries
Caitlin was born and raised attending WIMC and is the daughter of Rick and Cathy Long. She spent many of her formative years singing in the chancel choir and playing in the bell choir. She completed her undergraduate degrees in Music Education and Music Performance from Georgia Southern University and her Masters in Arts Administration at Florida State University. In addition to her job as Director of Music Ministries, she also works in donor relations at Georgia Southern University.
She may not always be in her office, but is available by email at music@islandmethodist.com. If you are interested in participating in the music ministry at the Wilmington Island Methodist Church, please let her know. She will be happy to walk you through the many different opportunities.

Donna Bazemore
Director of Children's and Family Ministries
Donna began serving as a volunteer in Children’s Ministry over 30 years ago when her boys were young. During her time as a volunteer, she became passionate about seeing children come to Christ through their experiences at church. She has served in three churches in southeast Georgia, and, most recently, one in southern California. She has a BaMin from Covington Theological Seminary with an emphasis in Christian Education. Donna is the mother of three sons and grandmother to two girls. Her favorite activities are spending time with her family, walking on the beach, hiking in the mountains, exploring new places, boat rides, good friends, and good food. She is excited to serve children and their families here at WIMC!

Angie Wittenberg
Director of Youth Ministries
Angie was born and raised in the Upper Pennisula of Michigan in Marquette. She attended Bible College at the Master’s University in Santa Clarita, California, on a Basketball Scholarship. She transferred back to Marquette where she led her church college group, led worship, and coached middle school basketball. A broken leg led to a re-direction of 6 years of full time missionary work with Youth With a Mission (YWAM), the majority of her time in Xining, China, in Qinghai Province. She then returned to Marquette and played college basketball and worked for her local church. In 2011, Angie moved to Savannah and has worked for First Christian Academy and the Islands YMCA. Angie has a BS in Health Science and has 2 daughters. She loves working with the youth here at WIMC and encouraging them in their faith.

Inger Prescott
Financial Secretary
Inger was raised in Roswell, GA. While attending Georgia Southern College, she met Sherwin and they were married in 1985. After her graduation from Georgia Southern, they moved to Savannah in 1987 to start a pressure cleaning business. Inger did all the bookkeeping for their business, which over the years had evolved into an asphalt paving & site work company. They closed the business when the economy crashed in late 2008. Inger enjoys reading, needlepoint, cooking, eating, antiquing, spending time with her family, and taking long walks with her husband and their dogs. She and her husband are members of the Independent Presbyterian Church in downtown Savannah.

Sandy Henry
Administrative Assistant
Sandy and her husband, Jim, became Christians in 1997 and left their government careers to serve the Lord. They have 2 sons and 6 grandchildren, a dog, and two cats. She and Jim moved to Savannah in 2015 from Gainesville, GA, to be closer to family. Sandy enjoys renovating her home, the beach, family gatherings, graphic design, painting, and badly spoiling her grandkids. She and her husband are active members of Grace Church of the Islands PCA. Sandy is thankful that God has lovingly carried her family on many ventures and is blessed to serve Him.

Wendy Amerson
Director of Preschool Programs
Wendy is a Georgia native and has lived on Wilmington Island with her family since 2011. She grew up as a member of the Baptist church and met her husband, Jamie, at Jacksonville State University where they both graduated. They have been married since 1994 and have one daughter. She has many years of experience both in the classroom teaching kindergarten and fifth grade as well as administrative management experience in the schools where she taught. She has extensive experience in organizing and implementing programs to generate student success while using positive reinforcement and creating a warm and nurturing environment. Wendy is passionate about early childhood education and loves working with preschool age children. She enjoys spending time with her family, going to the beach, reading and doing anything creative in her spare time.

Monique Renaud
Nursery Worker
Monique, or “Mo,” grew up in the communities of Newnan, GA, and Hilton Head, SC, and has lived in Savannah for 3 years. She comes from a large family and has worked as a nanny and babysitter for many years. Children are her passion and she is pursuing a degree in child development. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, reading, cooking, practicing French, and photography. She is happy to be part of our children’s ministry and is thankful for the warm welcome into our church family.